About Us​

Welcome to The Digital Agency​

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Who Are We​

Total Life Care Foundation is a Social Platform where professionals use business techniques to help others. Simply put, TLC is earning with happiness in a large public interest.

Our Mission​

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What We Do​

Every volunteer performs the same task that the government or a government servant must perform for society. We empower society in significant ways: employment, crisis assistance, and social entrepreneurship.

Our 6-D Process​



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About Us?​

what is Total Life Care Foundation?

Total Life Care Foundation is a non-profit organization based in New Delhi, India. It is primarily focused on providing healthcare and education services to underprivileged communities. The foundation aims to improve the quality of life of people in need by providing them with medical aid, education, and other forms of support. Some of the areas of focus for the Total Life Care Foundation include child health, women’s health, and education.

The foundation runs a number of programs and initiatives to achieve its objectives. For instance, it operates a mobile health clinic that provides basic medical care to people in remote areas. Additionally, it provides financial support to children from economically disadvantaged families to enable them to access education. The Total Life Care Foundation also works closely with local communities to promote awareness about health and education-related issues.

Overall, the Total Life Care Foundation is an organization that is committed to improving the lives of people in need, especially those from marginalized communities.

Some Numbers​

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Would you like to start a project with us?​

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